Staphylococcus epidermidis Bacteria Reduction


R. Wormald


University of Huddersfield


Full Report


To evaluate the efficacy of the NV800 in reducing Staphylococcus epidermidis aerosols, a surrogate for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).


A 1.0 m3 air tight perspex chamber was used to evaluate the ability of the NV800 to remove Staphylococcus epidermidis aerosols. The chamber was fitted with an internal fan to maintain mixing, sampling and injection ports, and the sanitation unit. The fan and the sanitation unit were activated from outside of the chamber as and when required.

Summary of Results

The presence of the NV800 appeared to have significant impact on the levels of bacterial aerosols present in the sampling chamber over and above that seen in the control run. Both the rate of removal and the final log reduction are greater in the presence of the NV800. In over 30 minutes of sampling, the sanitation unit removed 95% of the contamination.

These results indicate that the device is able to make a significant impact on the levels of aerosol contamination under laboratory conditions. The levels of contamination used to challenge the system in this case are much higher than would be experienced in healthcare settings, suggesting that the NV800 is likely to be able to make a significant impact on airborne contamination.